Counts cove kennels
Puppy mill rude service and sick dogs

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Well here we are again, I contacted Counts cove kennels again to send
proof of my dogs spay so i could receive my dogs papers. She said I
could just scan the confirmation and e-mail it to her instead of
sending it through the mail. So i waited a few days and no reply. I
finally called and they claimed that they didn't know who they were
talking to when they said i could just email it, which shows they
cannot keep track of their puppies and who they sell them to. So now
they say that because it is me that was asking and they had "problems"
with me i must send proof in writing instead, they will NOT accept an
email version from me, is that right? No but that's not the point. I
explained to her that i was very upset my poor puppy had diarrhea from
the moment she arrived to me. She had it for almost 5 months and had to
be taken to the vets over 3 times just for her diarrhea. The poor puppy
had it squirting out her butt. I crate train my dogs so at night she
slept in a crate and she would howl constantly. At first we thought it
was because she was a puppy but in the morning there would be poop
squirted all over the place out the cage and in the cage even on the
walls sometimes, so at night she had to be put in the middle of the
room away from everything. That is not normal and not acceptable. The
vet said she had Giardia. The fecal test confirmed it. When i told
counts cove kennels this they simply claim that that isnt sick thats
just a parasite. Well i dont think my puppy felt very good when all she
did was poop out liquid. The vet said that the "sickness" was so far
along that she had to have had it at the breeders house. She was
malnourished because of it. I feed Blue Buffalo large breed puppy food
to her to try to make up for how sick she was and help her grow. Also I
let the breeder know that my puppy arrived with a urinary track
infection. She claimed that wasn't her fault either. I spent almost $50
just on a stool hardener and regulator so my dog could grow and
actually get the nutrients from the food instead of it coming right out
because she was so sick. I also spent a good amount of money on vet
bills and medicine, and i don't mind because i only want the best for
my dog, however the breeder should take responsibility for her sick
puppies and compensate or help when the owners need it, instead all she
does is deny, deny, deny and she does not stand behind her customers or
her dogs. And she claims that she said she would give me a new puppy
instead, and that's not what matters i love my dog shes trained and
shes a great girl because she had a great home to grow up in with ME.
Why would i want to send her back to the place she came form? She
should have offered to help instead of just trading puppies. And when
she didn't like what she was hearing she once again hung up on me. That
They have over 10 litters of huskies right now and that's a PUPPY MILL,
they send sick dogs out and don't back them up and they disrespect
their buyers. I am STILL waiting on my dogs papers and have not
received them.

Company: Counts cove kennels
Country: USA
State: California
City: Perris
Address: 20440 brown St
Phone: 7144036076
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