The Puppy Experience
Sell sick puppy mill dogs

Shops, Products, Services

The Puppy Experience in Aquebogue sold me a dog that was riddled with diseases and claimed they had no idea he was sick because he was "fine" when he was there. I noticed in the shop he had kennel cough, and knew that is common so I let it go. When I got the puppy home he had diarrhea and was very sick for several days. I found out he also had a parasite (which is also supposedly normal).

This is all to be expected when purchasing a dog from a shop, but The Puppy Experience says that everything is covered (i.E. Treatment for parasites, etc), then you bring your dog to their vet and you have to pay for stool samples, which are $40 each. The vet covers the medicine - but how are you supposed to give the dog medicine without a stool sample first? The vet they recommend is going to rip you off in every way possible. The puppy experience also claims all of the shots are covered, but in reality only one of them is.

The vet that they work in conjunction with has had his license taken away two times and also has a pending lawsuit against him for not properly treating a dog (who eventually died). I found this out after taking my dog to him once, and I told one of the salesmen at The Puppy Experience this, and he assured me that the vet was fine and the lawsuit was unwarranted. I told him that I did not want my dog going to this shady vet anymore, and I expected that when I take him to my vet, they should cover the expenses for the rest of his shots and treatment for the parasite, but of course they refused and said they would only cover any expenses through their own vet. I don't understand how they can promote a vet who is obviously neglectful and should not have his license!

The Puppy Experience pretends like they do everything the right way and that their dogs aren't from puppy mills, but I did some research on the "breeder" they said they got my dog from, and it is, in fact, a puppy mill. Don't believe a word they say, and definitely do not bring your dog to that vet.

Company: The Puppy Experience
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Aquebogue
Address: 387 Main Road
Phone: 6317726483
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