Corestaff Technology Group
Corestaff Refused to pay unemployment, Filed a false unemployment report to the state of Wisconsin

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I was placed by Corestaff at a very large corporation to do Informations Systems work. The representative was very polite and easy to work with. After just two months the corporation decided to lay off all contracted employees at several locations including the one that I was at. I was called by the Corestaff representative and told this and that it had nothing to do with my performance but it was a company wide decision.

After speaking to her I told my supervisor at the plant and it was the first he had heard of it but after checking with his supervisor at the corporate headquarters he confirmed it was true and I was given two weeks notice which I thought was extremely fair.

Since it was clearly stated in the Corestaff handbook I notified the representative at Corestaff by email that I was being laid off even though I had just spoken with her about it about an hour previously. She emailed back saying that she was sorry but they would try to place me as soon as they could.

Fast forward a little over a month and a half and I was contacted by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development that my claim for unemployment wouldn't be paid until after they called to verify why I was laid off. The investigator called and I explained the above and then he launched into questioning all my dates and times and wanted Corestaffs address and telephone numbers of who I talked to every time I called them. I said, "Oh, I didn't know you would need all this information because your letter just said you needed the reason why I was laid off. I can get you that information and call you back if you like." He then gets very short with me and says, "You should have had all this information together for my call!"

I was extremely careful not to change my tone and stay positive on the call because I knew he was losing it. I again said I would have if I had known he needed it and I would be happy to call him with any information he needed as soon as I could. He then said that Corestaff said that I didn't qualify because I hadn't notified them I was laid off. I explained not only did they contact me but I also sent an email to them and they replied to that email. He said he was finding in their favor.

When I asked what I could do to prove I did contact them he said I could try going to a hearing as recourse but I would not win and the claim would not be paid. He was very rude and I got the impression he assumed I was lying.

I was offered a job a couple days later so I didn't persue the hearing because I couldn't afford the time off after losing two months pay and I didn't have any time off in my new job. I would definitely never work for Corestaff and if I could I wouldn't work in Wisconsin either.

Company: Corestaff Technology Group
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 20 North Wacker Dr., Suite 1642
Phone: 3125789100
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