Home Depot Credit Card Services
"is a major rip off"

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Home Depot is a rip off. They offer these low prices on certain items, get you to open a Credit card and they know a normal consumer will most probably buy extra stuff on the card. Then after the promo period WATCH OUT they jack up the interest rates...
... HELLO not by 10% I mean look at these reports filed mine included..
To 29%, 39%, 49%... Why are they allowed to do such??? WHere are the Regulators
And watch out they may have another scheme up their sleeves...
I mailed out my payment oh! All of a sudden all my payments to others reach and Home Depot's does not... Now what??? You won't believe they jack you for late fees...
Which is $39.00 on top of the riduculous..inCREASED, JACKED UP interest rates...
Hell they are a rip off..

Thank god i am through with them i have closed the account paying it off and boycotting buying anything from them...

In this Economy they are SAVAGES to the POOR CONSUMERS like myself...

I'll go to Lowes or the local Mom and Pop hardware, I rather keep them in business.

New York

Company: Home Depot Credit Card Services
Country: USA
State: New York
Site: homedepot.com
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