New Scenery
Early Harvest Outsource Sales yet they NEVER sold anything

Shops, Products, Services

We paid this company over $8,000 to rep our product and they did not sell anything for our company. They were very convincing and even had a reference that we called and he vouched for them. He had a story to go along with this. I can tell you that there were definitely signs that they were not legitimate, but we ignored them because we really wanted them to be successful at selling our product. They always had a good excuse for anything that seemed off.
Early Harvest and New Scenery are the same company. I agree with everything that I have read on about Early Harvest, which is the same exact company, except the employees all changed their names. Which could be considered suspicious. We didn't figure this out until much later and we had already paid them all the money. It might even be the case that there are only 1 or 2 employees.
If you are thinking of doing business with this company, I would advise you to find another company to work with. Our experience was that they did not sell anything for us, and simply sent us lists of thousands of companies that they had supposedly called. I really think this is a way for them to take credit for any sale that your company might make, and it would look like they were selling and you'd have to pay them a commission.
Whether or not this company is a total scam is debatable. It could be that they are just not very good at their business. Either way, our experience was not good. There are a lot of other companies out there, so find another one, and make sure to get more than one reference.:)
Have a nice day.

Company: New Scenery
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
Address: 3424 Stanford NE
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