Early Harvest
Early Harvest is a SCAM


Early Harvest is a complete scam. They take your money and don't actually DO anything! They certainly don't deliver results. They have cleverly worded contracts that allow them to get away with it. This is how it works.

1- They suck you in by guaranteeing a certain level of sales for the $8,000 or so deposit. If they don't bring in the sales then you are supposed to get your money back. They sound very sincere.

(Sensing this was too good to be true, we asked for references of successful engagements. The only reference they provided that we were able to speak with was no longer at the company that had engaged Early Harvest, and had neutral things to say.in retrospect, this should have been a huge red flag).

2- Now they get you to sign a 3 month initial contract and pay the deposit up front. This contract has a refund guarantee - if they don't bring in sales, you get your money back. However, a key part of this contract is that if you do not renew this contract for a year, then you lose your deposit. Sounds innocent enough. Since there's no additional cost to renewing, why wouldn't you renew? You're interested in getting the sales even if it takes them a year. (In our case they promised at least $100K in sales.) So you pay the deposit, sign the contract. Of course you provide them with all the marketing and product information they should need. (I our case, they very soon seemed to lose interest in this material, saying they have enough. Another red flag).

3- During the three month period they are supposed to produce some research reports. They do produce these. The first contains general statements about what they are going to do. The second is a list of over 6,000 company names, that they supposedly have culled from their database, that they say they are going to target.

4- The renewal contract is where you get screwed. The renewal contract (which is not presented up front) has language that contains a sufficient number of loopholes, so that if they don't deliver, they get to blame you. You have to provide them reports on your company's sales. They want to take credit for whatever existing sales you are generating, and somehow tie it to their 'efforts' to seed the marketplace. If any of the companies on their list buys something from you, they get a commission, regardless of whether they even talked to them about you. (In our case, till the end, NONE of the companies on their list bought anything from us).

They will not agree to changing the language of this contract. If you don't sign this contract then they get to say that you didn't renew so you don't get your money back. If you do sign the contract then they get to take advantage of the loopholes.

This is not a company that is even remotely in the business they say they are in. They are in the business of SCAMMING companies. The whole thing is very well thought out. The two-contract scheme is quite clever, and obviously a lot of thought has gone into it.

Neobits, inc.
Sunnyvale, California

Company: Early Harvest
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 1802 N. Carson St Suite 108-2374
Phone: 8887663106
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