Harvest Trading Group
Consumer Report


Received product (Bed Bug spray) I didn't order, never considered ordering, and never heard of company. Product was left on door step by UPS. Later noticed charge on business bank account. For said amount. Called business and they wanted information to "confirm" the order, seemed like a phishing scam so I stopped.

Company: Harvest Trading Group
Country: USA
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New Scenery
Early Harvest Outsource Sales yet they NEVER sold anything

Grout Bully 'aka Harvest Trading Group
Consumer Report

Golden Harvest Company
Total SCAM. Will STEAL your money. Never see Refund. Do not use this company ripoff

Beware when Ordering!

Golden Harvest Company - GH Company
Ripoff The GH Company took my money and I didn't get anything Pleasanton

SGL Trading / Astrix Distributors
Consumer Report

NuWave Oven
Bad Ordering Process

I never clicked on submit button for the purchase and they charged me anyways!

Trading scam

Early Harvest
Outsourced Sales Company Fails to Perform As Guaranteed - ZERO SALES!