Fresh Direct
Items missing from orde

Shops, Products, Services

I've been been a person of Clean Immediate since 2007 and that I do like them due to their big selection, quality, quality and also the ease of home-delivery... But I've to express that I've had it with products missing from my order. It has occurred in my experience way too many occasions today. I understand that errors may happen nevertheless when it's anything repeated then it surely becomes frustrating towards the customer. Fresh Immediate, have it together, please...

I've been been a person of Clean Immediate since 2007 and that I do like them due to their big selection, quality, quality and also the ease of home-delivery... But I've to express that I've had it with products missing from my order. It has occurred in my experience way too many occasions today. I understand that errors may happen nevertheless when it's anything repeated then it surely becomes frustrating towards the customer. Fresh Immediate, have it together, please...

Company: Fresh Direct
Country: USA
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Kenmore Gas Range

Fresh Direct
Fresh and easy

Bad quality products

Bad Service & Workmanship

Starcrest Of California
Ripoff items missing, cheap quality, slow service, no phone or web site

Poor Quality Era - Quarter Pounder/cheese

Fresh Direct
Fresh direct orde

Gems TV
Excellent customer service

I am shocked at the quality of Sony's televisions and at the quality of their customer service

RSI Home Products American Classics Cabinets
Poor Quality, Short Shipped, Damaged, Poor Customer Service