IDC International discount club, Mississauga canada
Dishonor refund policy

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We received a call from IDC (International Discount Club) that we won free trip to Las Vegas and we could pick-up the price after attending presentation about their service in their office.

Oct 17: signed membership after presentation at IDC-office, paid membership fee $1000.00. Agreement has written full refund policy if done within 10 days.

Oct 25: came to IDC-office to cancel membership, being told by Wani to make appointment with Acccount Manager first.

Nov 1: finally able to sign cancellation agreement with Wani Sharma (although she said she was not the person who could do it, and we had to make appointment to come back). Were told we would receive our money within 2 weeks.

Nov 19: after several failed attempts to contact IDC personnel, received call from Wani Sharma indicating she had referred my previous calls to the accounting department, and promised to send check the latest by Nov 24.

Nov 25: refund not received, left voice messages to IDC, received email from Gaurav Jindal indicating he had just noticed the refund was overdue and we would receive check before the end of the week, Nov 27.

Dec 7: refund still not recived, we went to IDC office to claim the check in person. Was treated very rudely and threaten with calling the police by someone who claimed to be the costumer service manager, I called the police myself and was told they could not do anything (the police never came)
We were told by Gaurave Jindal that the check had been mailed already, he gave us a copy of the check and written confirmation that if it was not received by Friday we could go on Saturday December 12 to pick up a new one.

December 11: call to IDC as check not received, George who is supposibly a manager took the called, he was in the office on Dec 7, and refused to speak to us. I asked him why he was talking to me at this time if he did not have de decency to do so when we were there in person.
His response was he does not talk to clients. He was very rude over the phone and indicated if we went to the office the next day it would be in vain as there would be no other check for us, that we should keep waiting for the one that had been sent to us and hung up on me.
Same day received a call from Gaurav Jindal who requested we waited till Monday Dec 14, for the check and promised we would get a good faith and to avoid further inconveniences we agreed and asked for written confirmation that if did not get we would go in person to get new check on Tuesday Dec 15.

Dec 15: no check received, went to IDC and picked up check from George and Wani, it was deposited on Dec 16 and on Dec 17 rejected due to lack of funds.

After many broken promises we will file a small claim.
Please if someone can confirm the actual name of this company would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen a couple of reports about this company, we should all get together to make a class action claim and get our money back. We have been very patient so far and hopeful that we will get our money somehow, but I think this is just whishful thinking.
We have to do what we can to stop this people, they are stealing from people.

What happened to us is similar to Ripoff report #539498 and #544049

Company: IDC International discount club, Mississauga canada
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Mississauga
Address: 3397 American Drive Unit #7
Phone: 9056730700
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