Ramada Plaza Resorts - Imperial Majesty - Braddik Telemarketing - ShowSmart - Jeff Drutz
Showsmart I was scammed by this club

Shops, Products, Services

I received a telephone call from a woman who told me that I had entered a draw at the Ploish festival in my neighborhood and that I had been pulled as one of the winners. I had won a trip to Las Vegas for two, three days and two nights. When I asked her what the catch was she said I would have to come into the office to pick up the tickets and I would need to listen to their 90 minute seminar.
I remembered entering my name in a draw at the festival and so I made an appointment. I was to arrive at their office on the 21st day of November. I listened to the seminar with many others and then I spoke with an agent about the company. They said they were a discount club and after having watched the seminar I was impressed and interested in knowing more. The agent showed me the contract to sign up but I hesitated as I had come alone and I thought it would be a good idea to speak with someone else about this before signing on. The agent showed me that on the contract it stated that I had ten days after signing to cancel without any fees or penalties. I signed on and paid with my debit card $3,150.00 for a ten year membership.
When I returned home and spoke with my father we decided to do a search on the company. We were distressed at what we found. The website said very little about the company. We also dicovered that although I had paid them in full I had not received a password to do any shopping which was the service that they offered.
Two days later my father and I stopped into the office to cancel my membership. However, it was not going to be that easy. First we were told that we could not just come in and cancel, we would need to make an appointment, when I refused to leave the recedptionist asked me to wait. Twenty minutes later a man came to sit with us. He claimed that he was the owner and that I would need to go home and send an email which was the proper procedure for cancelling a membership. There was no procedure written in the contract and I told the man that I was calling the police. When I called the police they also called the police stating that I was trespassing. At that point I left the premises and waited for the police outside in my car. When the police arrived I was told that they were very familiar with this address, that they had many calls alike the one I had made from this address. It was 3397 American Drive. Unit #7 Mississauga ON. The police explained that they could not do anything to help me but that I could sue them at small claims. I asked if there would be a record that I had tried to cancel within the ten day period, which was reallly why I had called them so that it would be known that I had tried as it didn't seem that they wanted to ackowledge my cancellation. Apparantly there would be a record of my call in the communications room at the peel police department but that was all.
I left that day with little hope of seeing my money but I still tried to do whatever I could. I sent emails inquiring but I have just been getting the run around. The contract also stated that the club had 15 days to refund my money so I kept hoping that before that date I would maybe get the refund. The 15 day period ended on the 8th of December and I havent received anything. I did go to small claims court and filed a claim but I was suing the IDClub which I later found was not incorporated. Which meant that I was suing anyone unless I had a name and then I could amend the law suit. Tonight I contacted the Polish Festival co-ordinator who told me that the name on the cheque was "showsmart". He also told me that he was going to talk to some other people who were invloved in the festival and try to find a name somewhere. After speaking with the co-ordinator of the festival I googled "showsmart" I was surprised to find a name "Jeff Drutz" affiliated or actually I am certain they said that he was the owner of this business "showsmart" and that the IDClub was another of his businesses. I am thinking that I will now amend my lawsuit with this name but I would really appreciate any help I can get to make this a public affair. These guys need to be stopped. |They are ripping people off and the polic the police won't help. I even called the Fraud squad in Peel and they told me to go to small claims court, that they could do nothing for me. I am also writing a letter to Silverman helps in hopes that he may take an interest and get this out to the public. I caution anyone who receives a call from the IDClub. Hang up!

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts - Imperial Majesty - Braddik Telemarketing - ShowSmart - Jeff Drutz
Country: USA
Address: 3397 American Drive Unit #7
Phone: 9056730700
Site: idclub.ca
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