First Approval Benefits
What a bunch of PRICKS

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Oh, I would love to meet Mr. Shawn Harris the "supervisor" here at this wrong company, because I have a foot for his anal passage way.

I was told I could cancel up until May 9th, so I called May 8th and left a message because they were closed and told them I DID NOT want them to take 269.00 from my account.

I then called May 9th at 9am when they open and Suzanne said I could not cancel, that I would have to 4-5 days before May 9th... I was told May 9th. So, I called my bank and had all money taken out... Kept it out for about a week. They sent the debit through and there was an NSF, so I paid the NSF fee because I DID NOT want this product. So, I totally forgot about this drama...

Until, JUNE 2 (a whole month later) they put the 269.00 through again and of course it cleared. I have been working non stop for about a month writing letters, sending certified, faxing and still no response. The supervisor that was helping me who said they DON'T send NSF through twice apparently no longer works there... Yeah right that's probably a scam too. This company is wrong taking for granted good hearted people. This company will burn in hell with every supervisor and telemarketer who is behind this awful scam!

Company: First Approval Benefits
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Fort Lee
Address: 177 Main Street
Phone: 8667535053
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Capital First Benefits
Ripoff business from hell. They called took info on the pretense they would send info for me to review no info came then they charged my account for $189.95

First Approval Benefits, Aka Kinito, First Capital Benefits
First Approval Benefits Aka Kinito, First Capital Benefits They cleaned out my account and put me in the negative

Capital First Benefits
Ripoff scam greed evil doers poor business bad business credit cards rip-off scam liars

Bargain Network
Stolen money from my bank account Angleton, Nationwide

First Approval Benefits
Rip-off company attempted to get me dirty SOB's

First Approval Benefits
Ripoff business from hell

Benefits USA, LLC D/b/a Consumer Health Care Access
Mislead regarding their product and ignored guaranteed cancellation

CCA First National Bank
Cca empty promises & stolen money! Ripoff

Lions Gate Consulting
Fraudlent company no good bad! Take people money ripoff new york

Real Benefits Association
Unfulfilled promises and refusal to return processing fee