Heel Stick I placed my order on 10/01/09. The cust rep. Stated that the total fee would be $16.99. On 10/23 the co drafted my acct $33.98 causing two bills to bounce. Call to cancel on 10/24

Shops, Products, Services

I placed a phone order on 10/01 for 1 Heel-Stick and a bonus stick for a total of $16.99 which include shipping/handling. Company drafted my acct for $33.99, which is much more that they quoted me on 10/01. I call customer service requesting that they cancel the order but cust service stated it was too late to cancel and gave me a return auth #. After doing a littel research, I did not call to cancel too later. The product was still there as of 10/24. The company did not mail out package until 10/27 and was delivered to my address on 10/29. I will never, ever use this company again! They are misleading the public on their products. For three days someone would call trying to sell more stuff... Not interested... Told them to not call me again.

Company: Heel-Tastic
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Heel-Tastic
Address: 79 Two Bridges Rd, Fairfield NJ 07004
Phone: 1800777
Site: heeltastic.com
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Heel-Stick What a bunch of crooks! They inflated my invoice by 200%, charging for items I did not order. But wait! There's more: They offered to refund my $43.96, less $14 and shipping

Doubled Shipping, Product only "Sample Size!"

Enhanced Long Distance ripoff don't have ligitimate e-mail address charges fees on ones phone bill without any concent from consume

Heel Stick Overcharged Credit card - no confirmation before overcharging

Heel tastic padded bill!

Heel Stick
Purchase order not received

Telebrands Corp Club Division This company sent me unsolicited merchandise and charged it to my credit card after they were told not to send it

FSB ripoff thieves liars fraudulent billing dishonest

Jenifer Bethea
Consumer Report

Memories Direct
Ripoff Wait forever for the Scrapbook