Global Tel Link
I worked for them—horrible customer service, complete rip off! Mobile

Shops, Products, Services

The address for the Mobile, AL office is:

2609 Cameron St.
Mobile, AL

The new boss is Mr. Terry Apt.

I worked for Global Tel Link for about five months. I, like everyone who works there, was hired through a temp agency. Temps make $10 an hour and everyone works 40 hours a week—there's no such thing as a part time GTL employee.

If you ask to speak to a supervisor and are told none are available— that is a lie. There are a minimum of two supervisors on the floor at all times; they just don't want to speak to customers. If a representative promises you a supervisor will call you back—that is a lie nine times out of ten, because the rep doesn't bother to write down the customer's information so a supervisor can make a callback.

The rates charged for phone calls are outrageous—I saw $50 for a 15 minute call many a time—and, despite what GTL reps tell you, the fees are set up by the state prison systems WITH GTL... So GTL does indeed have a hand in how much customers are paying for the calls.

If you're in, for example, Georgia and your loved one is in a facility in Louisiana, you will pay long distance rates to talk to them. Get a cell phone with a Louisiana area code and DO NOT TELL the GTL rep. 99% of them are too lazy to check.

You can also purchase a Magic Jack. This will allow you to have a home telephone line, but you get to pick the area code—again, don't tell the GTL rep that you have a Magic Jack, because they will refuse to set up the account.

If the facility your loved one is in is a jail, you CAN set up a cell phone account, no matter where the facility is. If it's a prison, there are restrictions—only about six states allow cell phones to be set up for the prisons.

Call or write the Alabama Better Business Bureau! GTL needs to be stopped.

Company: Global Tel Link
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Global Tel Link Corp