Adverto, LLC
Rabhayev Aleksandr I., CEO Scam Artists Moscow

Shops, Products, Services

I was contacted by a woman named Elsa Erbach claiming she worked for an advertising firm and wanted me to work from my home as a collector. When she sent me the info she wants me to cash money orders and bank checks and then mail her the money. I did not work for this company since obviously this is a fraud. If you work in collections, you know you have to call on the customers for payment. This company will just send you checks to cash. I am sure all the checks are fake. Don't get involved.

Company: Adverto, LLC
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 34/1 Verhnyaya Street Moscow Russian
Phone: 7729240005
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Valeo International Soft
Rip Off job opportunity Possible Scam

YP Corporation Tricky Rip off technique via Fake Checks Mesa

International Humanity Foundation
They offer you a job and send you checks but dont cash them because then you will have to pay for them

Buyers Scam

Daniel Brennan
Received money orders for me to cash, and then wire the money via MoneyGram

Front Line Focus
Carol Meyrowits sent me fraudulant checks and owe me $950 Internet

Nora Becke
Consumer Report

Mystery Shoppers
Mystery Shopper Checks

James Harry
Consumer Report

They send you checks you cash them and keep 10 percent ripoff