Valeo International Soft
Rip Off job opportunity Possible Scam

Business & Finance

I received information from this company that they had a job opportunity. They said they read my resume on career builders.

They wanted me to cash checks for them that their customers would send to me. They in the essence of time said it would be faster for a representative in the USA to cash checks through their local bank accounts.

They sent me a contract which I signed however I was a little skeptical because they advised they would cancel your contract if you tried to find other people that where representatives for them and I ask them several questions and did not get a response from their contact person Sandra.

This coming week I will be receiving checks from their customers however after doing some research and finding out this could be a possible scam I am going to refuse to accept the checks from the USA postal service.

Company: Valeo International Soft
Country: France
City: Paris
Address: 14 Rue Boudreau 75019
Phone: 33144910881
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Valeo International Soft
Job Offer, Representative Contract, Cash Money Orders & Checks using Your Bank Account

Valeo International Soft
Ipoff check cashing scam job offe

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