Rapid Law
Rapidlaw convinced us there wasnt any complication dealing with a contested divorce, on top of that they stole $250 assuring us this was refundable per any mistakes

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The company was one of the first ones you see when googling "CONTESTED DIVORCE", which made me think it was legitemate. My girlfriend was upset and didnt think it was possible to get a divorce, especially a contested one. I use the net alot and thought I would end her misery and find a company or a practice that would have some answers for us.
Went to their website and found a phone # called it immediately, got ahold of and spoke with what I thought was an attorney or even a retired one, he seemed to have the jargon down. So we were hopeful that he would have some answers, and who could clear this up for us.
The gentleman I spoke with informed me that all we had to do was print out their questionaire answer some basic questions on the situation (details). Which seemed standard enough. Follow the instructions on the printed form, which included sending two hundred and fifty dollars, with a guarantee and they would send us the correct paperwork and the whole thing should be cut and dried.
We sent back the questionaire along with the money, waited about 3 weeks. I figured something like this would take a little time anyhow, I mean anything dealing with legalities isnt done overnight. After waiting we decided to contact them to see if there was more we had to do. They still hadnt given us the correct paperwork that we paid for, (via e-mail) for print. After I had spoken again with them we recieved It that day.
It was the wrong paperwork, now you would think someone representing a legal institution would be on top of their different dealings regardless. I should have known something was amiss when I had to basically remind them of their job.
Havent been able to contact them since because of the money back guarantee, they took advantage of our situation and the fact that we probably appeared desperate.
This supposed company needs to be stopped by any means necessary if you ask me, im am fed up with these rotten parrasites feeding off, you might as well say the blood of the needy. Knowone deserves this it doesnt matter what their financial walk is. Thank you for reading this and I hope it helps put an end to this kind of piracy.
This isnt the first time ive been ripped off, but i'll guarantee it will be the last. Best legal advice: demand to meet with lawyer in person

Company: Rapid Law
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Cavecreek
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