Andrae Michaels National Portrait Company
Andrae Michaels - National Portrait Company paid over 400.00 for pictures. I was told they had to be retouched and I would get them in 3-4 weeks. This was in July. I called them and expressed my concerns because I was leaving the country

Shops, Products, Services

I was approached about a sitting while shopping in Bi Lo's. Paid the fee had the pictures taken in July. Viewed the pictures on 17 July and purchased the entire pkg. However there was something wrong with my husbands eyes and needed to be fixed. I was assured by the sales person showing the oictures that she personally would fix them and get them back to me in about 4 weeks. I paid over 400.00 for these pictures. I called the studio in August actually it was August the 20, because I was leaving the country and had not received my photos. I was told that They were mailing them out on the 7th of Sept 09. And I should have them within a couple of days. Ok now here it is October 15 and I still do not have my photos. I have contacted the company several times and left messages. No one has returned my calls. I want a refund for breech of contract. If I need to sue them, I will! It is the principle, if you can not deliver the goods, dont take the money. There is no excuse for this type of practice, and I'm sure there are more people out there just like me. {being taken advantage of}

Company: Andrae Michaels National Portrait Company
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado springs
Address: 13710 Struthers Rd, Ste 105
Phone: 8009505699
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Andrae Michaels National Portrait Company
Andrae Michaels Uses Deceptive and Aggressive Salesman

Andre Michaels
Andre Michael Colorado Springs, Georgia

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