Diamond Enterprises
Silk Enterprises All info on Diamond Enterprises you need listed below! Rochester, Minnesota

Shops, Products, Services

I have been duped by Diamond Enterprises. I called them on 8/21 and 8/22 to cancel the magaizine subscriptions and they say I can not, they have me voice recorded. They billed me with two concurrent payments of about 40.00, while the subscriptions run consecutively... Makes no sense. I have paid them over 1100.00 since Sept.
I have contacted the FTC, my state's Attorney General, California's Attorney General, the National Do Not Call Registry, and the Better Business Beareau. I am reporting this scamming company everywhere I can. One of the great things about usacomplaints.com is you have the option to have them contact you if the company has a class action law suit in the future... I am definately glad to be reporting them here.
The customer service # never answers, do not waste time calling it. I will list it below because it is one of the numbers I have for the company.
Next I am going to send them a certified letter in the mail requesting cancellation, which they have to sign for, along with the California State Law stating you may cancel any subsription at any time for any reason, lets see how they like that. I am also contacting my bank to have the charges taken off (they can only go back to 60 days of charges by law) and possibly getting a new card #. I would recommend doing the same. I am not sure if they try to turn you into collections, this may hurt your credit if they do and take YEARS to reverse. Although it is a fraudulant company, it may make it a fraudulant debt, making the collections liable for the illegal debt too. (I don't know much about that though, look into it first.)

The info I have on the company is as follows;
I have spoke with Veronica, Jessica, Monica
Diamond Enterprises, Silk Enterprises
PO Box 31300
Stockton CA 95213
Diamond Enterprises, Silk Enterprises
4719 Quail Lakes Dr. Ste G
Stockton, California 95207

Phone #'s 800-755-8329 (customer service)

And a phone number that answers; Veronica: 209-472-1993

Check out usacomplaints.com #337705-she got them to stop
and #456508—scroll and read the rebuttal from an ex-employee - the (209) number above.
Check this out too...

Good luck all... Lets put them out of business.!!!

Company: Diamond Enterprises
Country: USA
State: California
City: Stockton
Address: PO BOX 31300
Phone: 80075583
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Diamond Enterprises
Illegall represention of contract, harassment by collections agencies, no way to contact

Diamond Enterprises
Scammed my 81 year old father, promised free pornography, fraudulent charges on credit card, won't stop calling him

Diamond Enterprises
Scam, overbilling, flirting, intimidation, threats, refuse to cancel services, lying about double billing

Diamond Enterprises
Unauthorized charges

Diamond Enterprises
The magazine ripoff people

Diamond Enterprises
Magazine sales scamartists

Diamond Enterprises
Unauthorized charges

Diamond Enterprises
Magazine scam & fraud

Diamond Enterprises Magazines
Is double billing my credit card EVERY MONTH!

Silk Enterprises - Jaguar
Magazine ripoff, Danville