David Lambert, Apex Business Solutions
David Lambert, Apex Business Solutions BEWARE! BEWARE when dealing with this man! VERY Unethical, harasses people and unprofessional!

Shops, Products, Services

I had a listing on craigslist.org that stated that I was looking for a job. David sent me a email offering me a position with his "company" and I professionally and politely declined the offer informing him that my ad clearly states to not contact me with a offer of commission based pay only. I am looking only for a salary position. He then began sending me as many as over 20 emails in less than 5 hours about how insane I am and bla bla bla... I told him more than once to stop emailing me and to "leave me alone" and even used the term "cease and desist in further contact to me". He continued to rant and rave to me in emails to the point where I informed him that I would begin reporting his company and would post complaints about this and even contact the police if I needed to.

Long story short, he continued so I took action. I contacted the police and the wonderful deputy called him on the other line and left him a message to call her back since he turned into a coward and shut his cell phone off. He was then told that he was harassing and his behavior is illegal and charges could be filed against him if he continues. (sad that he wouldn't listen when I tried to warn him...) I since decided to follow through with my threats to post my experiences on every link I find for his company online and discovered numerous reviews on usacomplaints.com for his "company" and unethical business decisions, including how he is scamming people all over the country.

This guy is insane. He does not handle rejection and goes into attack mode when he is told no. I have all of the emails to proove it. I will go on to state I did use profanity in a few of my last repsonses simply out of anger and frustration. Keep in mind that I received over 20 emails in less than 5 hours from the guy instegating and trying to cause problems. This guy went as far as to state he would " make sure (I) do not get hired by anyone"

LOL! How he thinks he can do this without my name or any information about me is beyond my comprehension. But woah! Am I terrified! LOL!

I think this guy is insane and quite honestly nothing more than a bum who is sitting behind his computer playing games with people and ripping small business owners off. He is connected with another shady character and business that is listed on this site so I would use caution when dealing with him. I love the fact that this site does not remove reports filed and that this report will show up on search engine results. I pray that David gets the help he desperately needs and learns that he will never keep people working for him with this messed up way of thinking that he has.

I tried so many times to warn him and tell him that he did not know who is was messing with. I work with several private investigators and have since found his home address and phone numbers. I know there are other victims out there. Let's shut this guy down!

Here are the links to the other reports where he is mentioned:

Http://usacomplaints.com/searchresults.Asp? Q1=ALL&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0&submit2=Search! &q5=american supply&submit=

Company: David Lambert, Apex Business Solutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hudson
Address: 8217 State Rd 52
Phone: 7272331111
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