Capital One Bank, N.A
Major league ripoff artists! Buyer beware!

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Capital One Bank, N.A. Are a bunch of scam artists and ripoff agents!

Allow me to explain.

The NYS Department of Taxation and Finance put a levy on my joint checking account on June 8. It seems that the IRS was a bit slow in giving them the part of my federal refund that they were entitled to. When the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance received the money on June 10, they released the levy on the joint account.

This is where it starts to get ugly with Capital One. They place the levy on the account on June 18, OVER A WEEK AFTER THE LEVY WAS RELEASED! They do not send me any notification of said levy. I find out by accident on June 19 when I use the automated system to check my balance because my husband asked me to get a couple of things on the way home. When I see that the account is overdrawn by nearly $2,000, I start to ask questions and find out about the levy, which I thought was done after my conversation with the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance last week.

NO NOTIFICATION of the levy had ever been made from the legal (A/K/A illegal) department, as is proper procedure. I only found out by accident.

After speaking to two very helpful individuals in the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, they faxed over a letter to Capital One's legal department TWICE that the levy had been released on June 10. Their legal department was so lazy that John from the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance had to scream at them to look in their fax machine. The letter had been faxed twice - once at 12:15 P.M. And again at 12:45 P.M. The legal department of Capital One was just too lazy to look in their fax machine.

Anyway, the levy was released at the end of business yesterday and I tryto use my ATM card to withdraw money. Guess what? It was no good! My card and my hisband's card were cancelled because of the levy, but someone forgot to tell us! We both had to get new ATM cards.

Fast forward to this morning and the checking account is now overdrawn! They hit me with three overdraft fees at $35 a pop and a $100 "processing" fee. That is over $200 of our money and their customer service refused to return it - in fact, their manager in the bayou crank called my house number twice. Duringt he second call, I could clearly hear his conversation with a colleague even though I was saying "Hello, hello!"

Fortunately, my branch at Avenue U in Brooklyn, namely an associate named Kira, was very helpful and said she would bring this to her manager's attention on Monday so these fees could be reversed. However, it does not make up for the aggravation and time I wasted on a alleged levy that ended over a week before the bank put it on my account.

Beware of Capital One!

Brooklyn, New York

Company: Capital One Bank, N.A
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Metarie
Phone: 8006552265
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