All Access Gift Card
And Prepaid Debit Cards / VISA ALLACCESS DEBIT. Roll down the window and throw your money out, use this card and it is the same... Georgia, Or New Delhi, India Who Knows? I don't really know... They are too ashamed to post that info

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I was wanting to create a card with a 2000.00 balance as a gift for my son on his graduation. It was a simple enought idea and I thought that it was a good way to make sure that he knew that I care for him.

However, after trying to establish an account I was informed to send in documentation that I would not send to anyone, unless face to face and I was acertained who and what I was dealing with.

They froze my account. Each time I had tried to get communicate with them, in order to close the account, either they would transfer me, and then my phone call would mysteriously get dropped. Each occasion ended with the same frustration. Finally, one of the supposed customer service agents handled my account, his name was Fransisco, what a strange name for an Indian from India, anyrate, he informed me that the request I had made to close the account was only partially followed through with. I had made that initial request back in December. I was informed that I would get my remaining balance, after a deduction was made to close the account, at that time I could care less, I just wanted the account closed and my money back.

So, this Indian National, who's name is Fransisco told me that he would close my account. That was June. But on par with the multitude of other times I tried to get the account closed, my phone call was dropped. How peculiar. Now I recall giving them my phone number on my initial application.

They asked me security questions, and the whole what not, each person I talked or was transferred to even on the same day transaction, they all went through the gamut of verifying who I was and asked the same questions, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences I have ever had.

I just wonder why had they not called me back if they had lost my call? And how could my calls on each and everyone of over 5-6 calls could they each be dropped by technical malfunctions, and to this day I am not even sure if my account had been closed.

My conclusion is a simple one, the charge and initial fee to start the card, they charge to load the card, they charge for every transaction, and they charge to close the account. Does anyone else see a pattern here? Oh, and they charge off "x" amount over a period of time when the card is not used to empty the account balance and to, merely, relinquish the card holder of their balance on that card.

This company is crooked, they steal and since VISA and MASTERCARD are associated with this skullduggery and thievery, I want to know just exactly what they have to say about it all?

Company: All Access Gift Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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