Seccion Amarilla USA
Unstopable king of fraud! Nationwide

Shops, Products, Services

To MMM (since you won't give your real name, or state the fact you are one of those, whom all these complaints are about) maybe if you contact one of the many attorney's sueing you, you'll see that your silly efford to sugar coat a wrong falls on deaf ears. It is a shame that you have taken a good product and killed any chance of growth, due to your greed and lack of vision.

Seccion Amarilla is owned by the third richest man in the world, Carlos Slim Helux aka Telmex

Attorney and victim of Seccion Amarilla
, he has copies of
fradulent billing issues, altered contracts and contracts and monies collected for ads in books never published... All in black and white.

Los Angeles, California

Company: Seccion Amarilla USA
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4322 Wilshire Blvd, S/201
Phone: 4242223377
  <     >  


Seccion Amarilla
Telmex, Sausa, Carlos Slim Scammers, Fraud and laughing in our faces

Seccion Amarilla - Telmex De Mexico
Deceptive business practices, payroll issues, un-reasonable expectations

Seccion Amarilla USA Telmex International
Fraud, deceptive trade practices, fraudulent distribution practices nationwide

SECCION AMARILLA USA - Telmex International
SECCION AMARILLA USA - Telmex International Mis Leading, and Fake numbers, High Pressure sales

Seccion Amarilla
Mis leading

Seccion Amarilla
RUN if they call you for a interview

Seccion Amarilla
Is Not Worth The Investment... From A Manager Who Knows

Seccion Amarilla
Aka Sausa / Enlace Sleazy Organization, Money Hungry Management

Seccion Amarilla USA
Seccion Amarilla, They sold me Add space, and they printed my business card

SECCION AMARILLA USA - Telmex International
Telmex, Sausa Questionable Activities