Seccion Amarilla
Is Not Worth The Investment... From A Manager Who Knows

Shops, Products, Services

To all companies wishing to reach the Hispanic market... Please do not waste your money with any Seccion Amarilla phone book. As a former manager, I was told to lie about the circulation numbers in order to deceive clients into advertising. This company is owned by Carlos Slim, a multi-billionaire who owns Sears, part of Verizon and much much more. He should be embarrased about this arm of his empire.

When the book finally comes out, many of the ads are misprinted, put in the wrong category or just plain omitted. The end user does not receive the book and people are generally disgusted. Do not wast your money, please. There are better ways to reach this growing market segment.

For people who wish to work for them, think again. Unless you are very special, this is not for you. Most of my employees did not last more than 3 weeks. Their base started at $500 per week and then was dropped to $250 out of the blue. This company is really screwed up and they seem to be making policy by the seat of their pants.

Company: Seccion Amarilla
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Miramar
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Seccion Amarilla
Telmex, Sausa, Carlos Slim Scammers, Fraud and laughing in our faces

Seccion Amarilla USA Telmex International
Fraud, deceptive trade practices, fraudulent distribution practices nationwide

SECCION AMARILLA USA - Telmex International
SECCION AMARILLA USA - Telmex International Mis Leading, and Fake numbers, High Pressure sales

Seccion Amarilla
Mis leading

Seccion Amarilla USA
Unstopable king of fraud! Nationwide

Seccion Amarilla - Telmex De Mexico
Deceptive business practices, payroll issues, un-reasonable expectations

Seccion Amarilla
RUN if they call you for a interview

Seccion Amarilla
Aka Sausa / Enlace Sleazy Organization, Money Hungry Management

Seccion Amarilla
Inexperienced Recruiters, Confrontational Interviewers, Risky Employment

Seccion Amarilla USA
Seccion Amarilla, They sold me Add space, and they printed my business card