Goodwill Industries Of Younstown, Ohio
Unethical in many ways

Shops, Products, Services

I was a former employee at their Calcutta branch. I was injured on-the-job on July 29.

It was a freak accident, whereby I had no control. I was unloading a peice of crappy, poorly assembled partical-board furnature from a large, heavy handcart, into a customer's van. He was probably showing off to his wife or girlfriend who was in the van, and he handled it aggressively. The furnature, which had a heavy countereweight in the bottom, came apart, forcing the heavy cart into my legs, which went out from under my body and I was still holding onto the peice of furnature. It injured my knee, my foot, and my back. It is May, and I still have problems with these parts of my body... They have been permanantly damaged. The customer was mildly injured also, and I took care of him, and he was given the furnature for free.

I later on, limped to my car after I had to sign some accident report, and was told to visit their company nurse shortly.

They coerce those who are injured into signing papers under threats of firing the individual. Later, they fire, or force you to resign... As I was forced to do so, a few days later, in August. They also FORCE you to drive to Younstown, and visit THEIR "nurse" -who denies the injury, and they forbade me from seeing another doctor. They repeatedly harrass you on the telephone until you do visit their nurse.

I was a model employee. However, after the accident, both managers of this store, one is named Linda, I forget the #1 manager's name, were in-my-face and aggressive and trumping up false claims against me to forced me to resign, under threats of firing me... They are very dishonest, and were bad to work for.

Another thing they do is throw away good merchandise that comes in off the truck from the Younstown store, such as cassette tapes (which can be reused, if sold) and they jack up the prices of used stuff they get donated, to the levels of what new merchadise costs. They pretend to be a "charity" but are not.

It was a traumatic experience. After that, I had been having difficulties getting a job or anything.

Later on, I worked a month at Kmart... And was fired for no reason.


Company: Goodwill Industries Of Younstown, Ohio
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Youngstown
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C. F Sauer Company
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State of Texas
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Wal Mart
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Safeco Insurance
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Zenith Logistics
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Work Smart
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Rooms To Go
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