Elite Swimming Pool And Spa Services
Elite Swimming Pool And Spa Services! Yikes watch out! Royse City

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I saw the company truck not too long ago and for some reason while at a light, I used my camera phone to take a picture of the company so I can contact them later, BUT instead I wanted to see if they had a website. (Didnt feel like a sales pitch)

I put in: www.eliteswimmingpoolandspaservices.com but that didn't work, so I googled it and BAM read all this junk and replies. Shocked that a company would post replies, from the reply (the first one) I cant believe someone would go there with the mother of their kid man, that just sucks azz for real. Looks like a bunch of children playing grow up

I agree with the dude from Plano, you all should really find a solution to this and be adults for the sake of the child. Everything he said was true and his opinion is right.
I however, (just being bored I guess) took the time to look up "Angelo Rodriguez Jr" in Dallas County search data base and all I can say is WOW, you should really keep a low profile and not draw attention to yourself. Dude your name is out there and it aint pretty... And to be fair I know Richardson is considered Dallas and dont see her name associated with any criminal history just some child support stuff. So I went even further, I called Richardson PD (I know a department official that works there) and I was told this:.
Hmmm Hmmm (clearing my throat): there isn't anything with her name pertaining to Direct TV, she apparently was just a resident of the city.

If a person files a report with an investigator with any Police Department, the investigator will then investigate the claim. There are 2 things that happen from there

1. If the claims are true the investigator will gather STRONG evidence and give his/her file to the Court in their County for prosecution. Now if it was taken to Court then there would be a record of her trouble. (or she can have a lawyer like O. J Simpson and can be completely relieved of all crime... Ok ok ok I shouldn't have went there.)

2. If the claim is false the investigator will throw the report out. (This is more than likely what happened here)
The investigator will go out to the person's home or place of employment to check out reports, they talk to the person being accused, then whichever way it goes (1 or 2) they do what they need to do.

Here is what I am sure that happened:
"God 1st" was a victim to an unfortunate incident in which someone used his/her cc to pay their bill, they knew what kind of cable service Mrs. Flores has, and immediately became upset and accused her. I am sure they called the company and/or their cc company and got nowhere, they then in return called the Police Department in the area in which Mrs. Flores lived and filed a report saying "she did it, she's bad, go get her" not even realizing that millions of people have the same cable service, then investigator did his/her report, went out and talked to the person and found the claim to be false. (Hey I think my old high school ex girlfriend has Direct TV, she probably did it and she lives in Kansas. You should accuse her) She is sneaky like that!
THERE IS NOT A SINGLE REPORT / FILE for Danekil Nichole in Richardson PD. There is no Direct TV report in this department, what does that all mean: YOUR REPORT AND/OR CLAIM IS FALSE, INVALID, MADE UP, FICTATIOUS, WORTHLESS, STUPID. The investigator found no evidence to your claim. MEANING: Danekil is innocent, she got money to pay her own bills, cleared, laughing... BUT beware, I was also told: If she really wanted to she can file a report against you and take you to court for filing this false report and harrassing her, honestly this is what this looks like. Filing false reports is indeed a crime my friend, I dont know how many times you people have taken her to court, but she can file a charge against you. And given the background of Sir Angelo you wouldnt & shouldnt want that, she can drag you and your friends and family down as well.
I am 100% sure "Mike & Tammi" are friends or family of the business owners & they were dragged in to take up for this company, hey they may or may not be aware of the criminal history.
Personally, from the outside looking in, there is too much drama going on. I dont see any report posted by "Dane" though, maybe I need to search further.
I think that it is sick how the people (excluding Tim) filed their rebuttals, they completely let their emotions get the best of them.
Personally I dont know any of you and dont want to know you all, but I am sure that this isn't getting under the mom's skin.
I applaud Tim for standing up and speaking his mind. It would be interesting to hear from the woman who is being accused, (HEEEEEYYYYYY if your out there reading this then post something, I would like to read what you have to say) but then again maybe she is too smart and mature to even be bothered with this trash.
To the business owner, I agree you should work out your problem with the other party instead of dragging this on and on. You'd be suprised if she is really trying to do the right thing everything might start turning around for the better.
In the famous, often heard words of my teenager daughter "LOSERS" come to mind.
Now I have to search for another pool company... I will be back on this website. This is pretty good..
P.S. I have nothing to gain in this, I dont know any of you and would careless if you hate me... But on a serious note, children need their parents to get along, they see this bickering going on and they do hurt from all this. If you really love your kid then dudes let bigons be bigons put this behind you and get along for the kid. Man I hate to see kids hurting. I wish you all the best of luck especially your children.

Company: Elite Swimming Pool And Spa Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Royse City
Site: www.idontevencaretoknow.com
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