Essential Shopping
Rip off when ordering on line, an "add on" surprise

Shops, Products, Services

I have also been scammed by automatic signups for "Essential Shopping". From reading other consumer complaintss, someone else reported that VITACOST participated in this dishonest - "read the fine print" - automatic rip-off sign up. Unfortunately I have recently ordered from VITACOST.

I will NEVER participate in ordering from any companies that use this deceptive type of means for getting unearned income from unsuspecting customers. I am often surprised that otherwise decent companies are willing to risk their reputation and clientele on this type of scamming.

Fortunately my credit card company (AMEX) is helping me dispute thier claims. I notified them immediately.

I have no intention of paying this charge and will let everyone know not to order items from these unscrupulous companies.

Company: Essential Shopping
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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I'm in the UK. Emusic have been debiting my CreditCard. Can anyone help? Internet

Shopping Essentials, Vitacost, Valuemax
Shame on Vitacost for affiliating with these scammers. Take your info, bogus $10.00 off shipping to join for trial. Total catch 22 scam that benefits both companies