, police/adams
Discrimination, fraud, my rights to have a contract at signing, left my doors unlocked

Shops, Products, Services

At signing with karen gross, she wouldnt give me a copy of the contract. At the time i didnt think any thing of it, having had 2 previous contracts for an internet deal for 6 months each. As time went on, she was only conducting 2 hr open houses, i hired this company based upon the web sites testimonials and her professional marketing abilities. One month later she calls me from her cel phone[caution, the phones arent monitored for my quality assurence] i cant sell it, this is the pro i hired, so i lowered the price again and she agreed to show the home every sunday in june. Again 2 hr open houses, 1 sunday, the other 11 to 1;00, this was the best opportunity to sell, she blew it. I was upset to say the least. About a week later, she called to negotiate a percentage drop cause her mother was the broker if i lowered the price again. When i asked her to put it in writing, the story changed. I went to pick up my contract at the paramus location, it had closed and they didnt make me aware of this issue. Finally recieved contract it was for 1 year? Huh. This whole time they never produced any promotional material, as postcards, brocures, correct tax or school info, magazine catalogs, or virtual tours as stated on web site, no wonder it wouldnt sell. At this time i contacted mary polise, she said she would correct the open house hrs. She agreed to show the home every sunday in september, she didnt show up till the last sun of sept, i requested a release, i was deneid. Contacted the office manager, spoke to a secretary that agreed with my complaints, then spoke with barbra adams, explained the issues, asked for a release from contract because thier conduct was unprofessional, she paused when i mentioned the contract. She spoke to the two, her comment;he said, she said;its all hearsay. Her way of politely calling me a liar. No release. She also thought that the two had conducted themselves in a professional manner. An auction was introduced, not to my wishes, and i didnt agree with the low end start, i informed them it was to low and that i wouldnt exept an offer so low, they did it anyway. Then harrassed me for days to exept the offer, i didnt. Only 1 open house was done after this issue, the auction wasnt removed from the mls till this date, which generated constant low bids i couldnt exept. Then barbra adams agreed have another open house late march, no one showed up. I posted comments on craigslist referring to the above statements and that i would take polygraph to back my comments, its funny, within a 24 hr period, they flagged my freedom of speech. Again they wouldnt update the mls page for 5 months. They removed my home from the mls while still in contract. Thier quote, nobody does it better. Discrimination, fraud, no respect for my rights, and the house was left unlocked twice. About me, im 45 yrs old, part native american indian which hides my age, professional business owner, and my 26 yr old son survived 2 tours in iraq defending this country. Its a discrace that these individuals can show any respect, honor any of thier agreements during this time when the countrys in this difficult position, and that ive had to carry two homes, two jobs, and they cant even do one. Andy, emerson, nj.

Company:, police/adams
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Montclair
Phone: 9737832420
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