Global Pet Shippers
Pet Adoption scams

Shops, Products, Services

I was looking to adopt a Devon Rex cat and found an add on Brent Parker claims he has a 6 month old, spayed devon rex for adoption in Ontario Canada. I contacted him and immediately I felt uneasy because although his ad said he was in Ontario, Canada, he claimed he was transfered to Germany and could no longer keep his cat. I asked him why he just didn't find her a home in Germany and he claimed he is a Canadian born national and that he wanted the cat to go back to Canada. He also told me a lot of other stories that sounded suspicious. I convinced me that there was no risk to me because I didn't pay him but the transport company. I asked for that information and he gave the the website fo a clearly fake company. Furthermore, his emails were in broken English and the later ones went into my bulk file rather than directly to me.

I googled the name of the company and soon saw a lot of rip off reports of comanies with similar names. After reading those reports, it was clear to me that I almost fell victim to this Cameroon pet adoption scam artists.

bramtpon, Ontario

Company: Global Pet Shippers
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Silverspring And Cameroon
Address: globalpetshippers. tk/80
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