Donald Moore
David Moore Hi, sweet Babe


I am a senior widow, seeking companionship, so I went into several dating sites. I believe this person was found in; facebook's "Are You Interested". He claims to live in Ontario, Canada, and work in various oil fields all over te world. His use of English Grtammar is atrocious, which first led me to be suspicious. He was also too quick to use flowery language to, "woo" me. He promised to visit me as soon as he got a break in his work and claims to be in Malasia at this time. I began to become suspicious because of his quite inadequate use of English Grammar. He claimed to be college educated. He claims to live in Ontario, Canada and have a Spanish father and an American mother.

I became suspicious, and asked my friend, who has been a retailer for over 35 years, to research this guy for me. She came up with several names, and that "he" is, in fact, a woman.

I finally found his letter to me requesting a loan in my spam file. He claimed to have been mugged, and had $4,000.00 taken from him. He requested a loan, and stated that he would have his lawyer draw up the papers for the both of us to sign. I have saved all of his correspondences to me, but I am unable to upload the pictures that he attached to his emails to me. The file names are; fire. Jpeg, back_of_myhouse. Jpeg, and chilling. Jpeg.

Company: Donald Moore
Country: USA
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