Worldcom Wireless
Mci/worldcom wireless cellular phone rip-off LOOK OUT FOR THESE THIEVES!

Shops, Products, Services

I signed up with worldcom wireless over a year ago. I couldn't understand why my cell phone would not work at all, even on roam, within an hour radius of where i lived. Then i called up to complain, and they told me i was in a dead zone, between the lines of the communication towers. Of course they neglected to tell me this when they signed me up, so i was paying $50.00 a month for service that i wasn't recieving, unless traveling and hour out of my way.

When i opened the account, i had to put down a $500.00 deposit with the company.

I tried to dispute this, they then said they would not refund all of my $500.00, because my payments were late. "how" can the payments be late when i was in dispute with them, calling for days on end and their phone lines were busy, then when i finally got through, they made me wait 40 minutes, many, many times. I told them i would pay for the calls i had made "way" out of my area, but not the $50.00 a month fee.

They said they will cut me a check for the remaining $209.50, that was a year ago!!! I have called and they give me the same story out of the long island office... 516-229-5160, "pat", 516-229-5278, for "dez". I get no call backs and rude people.

All i want is my money and this is an ongoing bologna scam!!! Worldcom wireless. P.O. Box 5211, new york, ny 10087-5211. I am aggrevated and disgusted with this company's behaviour, and their staff...
Look out for the thieves!!!

Company: Worldcom Wireless
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: P.O. BOX 5211
Phone: 5162295160516229527
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WorldCom Wireless aka MCi
Even MCi WorldCom employess have difficulties with WorldCom Wireless

Mci Worldcom Wireless
A.K. A worldcom useless

MCI Worldcom Wireless Company
Ripoff business from hell

MCi WorldCom Wireless

Mci/worldcom wireless
Mci / worldcom wireless should be worthless wireless

MCI Wireless
Worldcom wireless no service as promised

Worldcom Wireless, Inc
I paid my bill but mc i wireless say i didn't pay worldcom is a rip off from ny

WorldCom Wireless
MCI Worldcom Wireless is bullshitting all of their customer

Worldcom Wirless, Inc
Worldcom wireless ripoff

Worldcom Wireless
Mci run run run!