Verizon Wireless
Charged me $279 for a "FREE" phone Worceste

Shops, Products, Services

I am on the "New every 2" plan with Verizon Wireless. They sent me the information on how to get my new FREE phone. The phone I chose was free after a $70 rebate. So I paid $70 up front, and was mailed a rebate card as promised. I just got my bill today, and it was over $300 MORE than a typical bill. I called customer service, and was told it was for the $279 I owed them for the phone. I explained that not only was the phone supposed to have been free, but I even received the $70 rebate! The customer service rep said that I "agreed to the terms and conditions" when I activated my new phone. Um, I didn't agree to paying $279 for a cell phone! She said they would send me a "contract" in the mail, and once I sign and send it back, will be refunded the $279. Yeah, right. I'll be sure to hold my breath.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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