Telephone Scam by

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This company is called or AOL Long Distance and I don't know how many more.

They called me and offered me to switch my 2 phone lines for less than or equal to my current phone line charges and also offered me 200 minutes of long distance on both lines included in that amount. They also told me that I could combine the minutes because I used one line primarily for my intenet access.

After they failed to switch me for 8 days, I called and cancelled the order. After almost 3 months without any notice, they switched my phone lines and billed me for over 500 dollars for less than a month of service. They charged my local calls at 9.9 cents a minute. They charged my international calls at 3 times the rates I was paying. When I called them they said that they had no record of me cancelling my order and that I had to pay the bill. They said that all the features that were promised to me were for some premium plan and that I was not part of that plan. I have complained with the Public Utilities commission and charged them with slamming.

The branch they called me from was in Florida.
Their website is

Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
Phone: 7033917500
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