Discover Credit Card Services
Performed an unauthorized balance transfer I'll Look It Up

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I responded to an offer from Discover Card Services last year in April. It was a balance transfer at 3% for 12 months. With the application I sent a letter specifically stating, if they can't perform the entire transfer I want, then DO NOT TRANSFER ANY AMOUNT. I wanted a transfer of $8000.00. They did exactly what I ordered them not to do. They transfered less than half $3832.00. I received a notice in the mail one Saturday indicating a transfer had been made to my current credit card. I immediately call them on the phone (I was pissed off) and who ever I spoke to, ordered them to reverse the transfer. He claimed it couldn't be done. I asked him about the letter I sent along with the application, stating not to transfer any amount unless it was the entire balance, he acknowledged the letter I wrote, yet did what they wanted to anyway. I told him under no uncertain terms I'm sending the entire amount back to Discover because I told you not to perform the transfer. If I couldn't get what I wanted, then I didn't want anything. I'm not sending anymore than the amount you transfered. No transfer fee or nothing, because I specifically ordered you not to. I sent the entire amount back to Discover along with another letter reminding them for doing something against my orders, and no fee will be added. I didn't use, I returned it immediately after it credited my account. I made a complaint to my attorney generals office, his office advised me to make a complaint to the federal trade commission which I did. I received a letter from the FTC stating they couldn't pursue a complaint from an individual but they would file my complaint in the event other similar complaints were written to their office, and suggested I hire an attorney to handle the dispute. Why should I spend more money to hire an attorney to remedy something that never should have happened anyway. They have place a negative comment on my Transunion credit report indicating I owe them $200.00 unpaid. I've written a letter of dispute to the credit reporting agency explaining the situation as I've done here.

Company: Discover Credit Card Services
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Site: discover
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