Credit Card Company rip-off scam liars


Had the NRA/Fleet credit card. Transfer a balance and get a low 0% fixed intro until November. Well it is all a lie. They will charge you on the balance transfer and the new purchases. When I sent many letters about the interest charges there was no responce to any of them. When I called I was put on hold then hung up on. When I finally got through they said they had sent a letter saying they could charge interest because I did not make a balance transfer. Another time they told me I got 0% on the balance transfer but was only being charged interst on the new purchases.

Well I did make a balance transfer of 2100.00, and I never recieved the letter. It was a lie. The only letter they sent to me stated that my account was closed and to cut up the cards. This was several months after I had already told them I cut up the cards and to closeut the account. Is anyone in this bank aware of whats going on? In the mean time they kept adding late fees and interest on the interest fees I was disputing and said they couldn't remove them cause I did not make a balance transfer.

This company scams with a offer then lies and seems to get away with illegally ripoff united states citizens. I have other credit cards and have never had anything like this happen. They are rude on the phone if you can ever get through to someone. There is no way to contact them on their website. They need to be put out of business. They scamed me of $337.45 in interest charges and late fess on interest that was supoose to be 0%.

Do not get a fleet credit card!!!

Company: Fleet
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Phone: 8004922500
Site: fleet.com
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