Best Buy
Deceptive business practice with new Dell laptop

Shops, Products, Services

My husband purchased a Dell X1530-147B laptop for my Christmas present over Thanksgiving from Best Buy. He gave it to me on C'mas eve, but I didn't use it until the following day. It worked great and I was pleased with his purchase.

We left the following day for a family vacation, and I took the laptop. When I went to use it, it blue-screened on me and would not boot up to Windows. We could not get it to work, even after running the blue screen fixes that were listed, so I left it alone as I didn't want the frustration over the holidays.

Upon our return, I took it back to Best Buy and the service customer rep. Ran a short diagnosis on it, and said it was my operating system. I asked him how he could tell that, and he stated that because it had blue screened, that indicated the problem. He then told me that Best Buy could reload the operating system for $130 or I could do it myself. I opted to do it myself. I did ask him why it wasn't under warranty and he stated that it was because it was the operating system and not hardware components.

I took the computer home that night, and got on the Dell website for step by step instructions on reloading the system, so I didn't make any mistakes. The process made it to the second step and then the computer blue screened again. I called Dell direct. She ran a check via my remote number and then told me that she had activated my warranty and to take it back to Best Buy.

The next day I returned to Best Buy, and the same service rep. Helped me again. He stated that it WAS my operating system AGAIN, and I told him that Dell had checked it via remote and that they had activated my warranty and had told me to bring it back to them. He then told me that Dell tells their customers all the time that issues are under warranty, but that they are erroneously misleading people. He basically called Dell Computers liars. (He had to say this because he did not know, at first, that I had called Dell and he was trying to mislead me and basically got caught.) He then said that if it were a hardware problem, then it would be covered under warranty. I asked him how we were supposed to figure that out. He stated that he would have the Geek Squad run a more in depth diagnosis and it would take two weeks. So, I left the computer there for a full diagnosis.

I received a call from a Geek Squad service tech, and the first thing he asked me was if I had tried to reload my operating system. I told him yes and explained why. He stated that the service rep. Should not have told me that was an option and they would have to charge me to reload my operating system. I then asked what the problem was with my laptop and he stated that it was my harddrive. I then said...

"Wait, let me see if I have this straight. I bring my laptop to you and you tell me its my operating system and that I have the option of paying you $130 to reload my system or I can do it myself. You then tell me that because I followed your instructions and took the option of doing it myself, that you are going to charge me to reload it when, in actuality, it was a hardware problem, and you would have had to reload it anyway."

The service tech let me finish and then asked for me to hold on. He came back on the phone and stated that they would reload it for no charge and it would be ready for pickup that day. So, in essence they did ultimately fix my laptop.

In closing, I find these unprofessional business tactics VERY dishonest and disturbing, and although they did fix my computer, the experience was negative enough that I will NEVER do business with BEST BUY again. Costco is a MUCH better place, and they stand behind their products. You buy a computer from Best Buy and you have 14 days to return for a full refund (at least that's what they say), and Costco gives you 90 days. Because my husband had purchased the computer approx 30 days before Christmas, we did not have the return option, so I'm stuck with having to deal with Best Buy if I have future problems. I will try to get around that, however, by writing to Dell and calling them each time I have a problem, IF I do. I have NO complaints with the Dell computer, but I do recommend to any of you, NOT to shop at Best Buy, unless you like aggravation and dishonest business practices. Thank you for letting me voice my honest opinion.

Gig Harbor, Washington

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Tacoma
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