Consumr First
Consumer First Rip-off

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I know I will just tell you exactly what happened or should I say almost happened to me. I recieved the letter in the mail today offering me $5,000.00 credit limit and I am in alot of debt this was the answer that I had been looking for to give us some breathing room from our bills.

So I was seriously thinking about sending in the small payment of$45.00 and be done with it. And I was gonna surprise my husband with some extra's out of his pay check this week but I was almost the one that got the big surprize. I out of pure fate because I don't do anything like I did today I went on the internet when I had other things that need to be done alot worse but when I got online thre was this report about the very company that I was about to fall victim to myself and so reieved that I had went on line this afternoon but it also made me think that I had just revealed me account number to another company so I went to the bank and closed out thej account and open me another one.

But I hate the fact that now I will probabbly never take another credit card offer ever again even from the one that aren't a fraud because you just about can't tell the differnce any more.

Company: Consumr First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: P.O. Box 15386
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Resurgent Capital Services
CBCS Scam File a BBB report. I have a question

Consumer First—mr. Robert Stevens
Consumer first mr. Robert stevens ripoff guaranteed approval $5000 credit limit, 0%apr 1st 12 months thanks complaint

Premium Savings Group
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