Trans Continental Talent
Costing an arm and both your legs ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

Before I begin I just want to say to the public before anyone comes to your face, with stuff like modeling, acting, or anything that will make you big one day, just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into, make sure it's real and not frod. I worked at Macys on 34th street in NY and i remembered walking by getting ready to begin my day at work, when a woman walk towards talking to me telling me how she admired my wonderful body so i was like thank you very much, which she just popped up and said will you like to model.

So im thinking ok this is New York people make everyday maybe i could make it to. So i trusted her because she said im from the Carribbean so i said me to.

She gave me a card with all the information and told me to attented to this place that Friday so i went all along im thinking wow i must be a very lucky young lady, when i entered the room i seen so many people some who had even claimed to attented to become models im like ok.

They told me i will recieve a phone call within 5 business days i got yhe call the next day, asking me to pay 595.00 to have a two year contract with the then the gonna ask me to pay almost a 1,000 dollars for pictures for a portfolio just to have my pictures on the internet i said just forget it ok my mom said that they are crazy to ask for so much money on top of that they refuse to give you your money back.

Then they gonna call me about something in Orlando which also cost an arm and both your legs i told them look im not rich or close to being rich but i got enough money to take care of myself and not to spend on the trash that TCT are when they are just stealing money from innocent people all i could say is watch your backs or become victims of lies, and theft. Thanks to the public for hearing me out help put a stop to this.

Company: Trans Continental Talent
Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY
Address: 589 8th AVE NEW YORK NY 10012
Phone: 3016049794
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