Trans Continental Talent AKA Options Talent
Ripoff scam liars

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It has been mine and my boyfriend's dream to be models. We had been talking about it constantly of how bad we both wanted to do it. One day while I was at school, my boyfriend came running to me telling me he got offered a modeling contract from some place called trans continental talent.

He said he was walking through Wal-Mart and some man, out of the blue, approached him and asked him his age and name. Shortly thereafter, he handed my boyfriend a business card with his name on the back of it asking him to show up to take pictures in denver on saturday at 11 A.M. Sharp. My boyfriend asked if this was free because he didn't want to pay for a dime, and the man said yes. He even offered to pay for my boyfriend's portfolio.

From what my boyfriend told me, this so called "president of the company" (who really turned out to be the colorado springs scout) was dressed nice, and had an appointment book filled with appointments, ready and willing to erase any appointments that woukd suit my boyfriend's schedule. The scout said the time and day and asked if it was allright. He gave my boyfriend 2 cards in case he wanted to bring anybody, which turned out to be me.

We talked about modeling for 1 week straight non-stop getting our hopes up and thinking this was our big break. On Saturday, we got ready and even got new outfits the night before. We both looked amazing. We hopped in the car and headed for Denver, praying to God this wasn't some scam like a lot of other places.

When we got there, we got stopped at the door with people lined up to it. When we finally got in, a man asked us for our cards and gave us a paper to fill out. I looked around and saw at least 40 people there. We sat for 90 minutes waiting for the stupid thing to start, and while were waiting, we watched Grease. Wow, that's professional. Finally, we got our pictures and measurements taken then got asked to go back to our seats. We waited for nearly an hour until they decided to start the Grease movie over again. I was about ready to get out of there.

After the movie was over again for a second time, we watched some modeling infomercial tape on how lou pearlman is the owner and has made so many people a success. Too bad from what I've heard that Lou Pearlman got sued by every person he has ever been associated with in the music biz. This made my hopes go down after seeing this video. At the end of it, they said to join, all we have to do is pay a low low fee of $800. Um, sorry Lou, but we're not rich yet.

We decided we had enough. We had now been waiting to go back for our evaluation for at least 2 hours, so we decided to get out of there.

For all of you aspiring models, actors/actresses, whatever - be careful not to fall for this company. We wasted over $100 just getting ready for this. (Gas & clothes)

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Company: Trans Continental Talent AKA Options Talent
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 1525 Market Street, Suite 100
Phone: 7209042535
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