Nationwide Moving Services
You get what you pay for, and these guys are as awful as they are cheap

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My wife, who is pregnant and doesn't need the stress, received an abundance of quotes from many movers over a period of a week or so. After reviewing them, she decided to go with Nationwide because the price was reasonable, the salesperson was very attentive, and, they offered an in-home quote that was to be a guaranteed not to exceed price. We attempted to take advantage of the guaranteed not to exceed since their prices were so much lower than everyone else, and, lo and behold, the estimator did not show. My wife called and left a message with Nationwide that day, she never received a return call. When my wife returned to work the next day, she called Nationwide. At first, they attempted to lie and say their person showed but no one was home, until my wife explained she was home all day. Then Nationwide tried to reschedule the appointment, except there was no time prior to the move and we were both taking our remaining time off for this move. The salesperson went ahead and gave us our originally quoted price as the guaranteed not to exceed rate. Not a bad deal, I thought. Boy, was I mistaken. All I can say is, thank goodness Nationwide is not a pay by the hour moving company.

Nationwide Moving called my cell phone every day, three times a day, for two weeks to verify our move date. Each caller promised a call back the day before and the day of the move, I received neither. I called the day before, was told the movers would show at 9 am. On move day, no movers at 9 am, I called again and was told 11 am. No one at 11 am, I called again and was told noon, they had trouble with their truck. The movers showed at 2 pm. There were three, and two spoke horrible English. The lead guy, who spoke decent enough English, said his truck broke down so he didn't have any tools, no ropes, and was short on blankets and plastic wrap, plus, these guys weren't his usual moving crew. And, so goes this three man circus.

Nationwide told us to leave our drawers full, their "professional" movers could lift it without difficulty. The first piece of furniture they lifted was our very heavy dresser, by the drawer handles, broke them both clean off. Mind you, to my wife, patience is not a virtue, and the movers' tardiness had already spent most of her niceties. Second was the armoire, again very heavy, and I'm surprised two of these guys were strong enough to lift their own pants to pull 'em on in the morning.

So, anyway, they tore up walls, doors, furniture, and spent the better part of 16 hours doing it. The salesperson said it would take them between 6 and 8 hours, she forgot the 2 times multiplier. If this had been an hourly rate, we'd have been in for a bit of a surprise. Yes, they left our house at 6 am the following day.

This is not the horror story of others, we also spent an entire 16 hour move watching over their shoulders, it was me, my wife, and my in-laws, they were outnumbered and well supervised. Nationwide is not professional, their customer service is terrible, they obviously hire day labor instead of keeping full time moving staff, and, getting them to pay for damages is like pulling teeth from a hungry tiger. I would suggest using anyone other than Nationwide Moving. Spare us all the canned apology, too.

Company: Nationwide Moving Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Phone: 8664415161
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