Khan Manager WILL NOT look up products to help customers

Shops, Products, Services

Review of Walgreens at
15301 East Iliff Ave

Today I went in there looking for an item I have seen and purchased there repeatedly before, Wellpatch Migraine pads, as I get really bad headaches and these help so much.

I go in there and see other WellPatch items, but not the migraine pads. Nor do they carry any other brand of cooling migraine or headache pads.

So I look around and find this Indian guy "Khan" who has a manager name tag, so I bring him over, and show him the shelf area and ask him to research or look up for me to find if they carry this on a regular basis.

Then the snot says well, if you don't see it I can't help you. Now I have SEVERAL problems with this. First of all, what you see on the shelf at any given time doesn't necessarily reflect whether something is generally carried to begin with. He should easily be able to go look that up on his computer, which he didn't want to do obviously, because that would require WORK.

So I bring up that there are other items in the same brand name and I have purchased it there before so can he double check and he says NO. No reason why, just no. He doesn't seem to understand or care that it's not just that that brand isn't availalbe, THAT TYPE OF ITEM is not available at all at that store. As far as customers being satisfied there, that should be a bigger problem as far as he is concerned.

He says I will have to talk to corporate, it isn't his decision. So I say, oh you are the manager of the store, but you have no knowledge or control over your own inventory? Nope. So I ask him to write down the name and the number of the correct contact at corporate. He glares and me and doesn't want to, but walks off and makes me wait 10 minutes to hand it to me.

So, it's not like it matters to him I have other purchases in my hand, that I am in pain and have driven all the way to his store. He couldn't care less.

I AM SO TIRED of "MANAGERS" refusing to do their job and help customers. Why does some a-hole like this have a job, and a lot of decent hard working people are out of work or getting laid off?!

The CORRECT thing to do is to offer to research that for the customer, get their phone number, thank them for the inquiry, then do some actual WORK FOR them, not make them do the work and SHOW THEM you appreciate their business. DUH!

And further, would you inventory aholes start noting down when customers actually come to the store and ask about an item and then order accordingly, instead of just whatever you feel like? Inventory is supposed to be CUSTOMER driven, not A-HOLE IDIOT driven.

Please do not waste your time shopping here, your money and your patronage IS NOT appreciated.

Company: Walgreens
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: 15301 East Iliff Avenue
Phone: 3037524911
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