Bait and switch advertising at Internet

Shops, Products, Services

I realize that you probably get inundated with story leads and consumer issues on a daily basis, but I'm hoping that you'll consider shedding light on a dilemma I am facing along with hundreds of other moms across the country. I've worked in retail management and marketing for over 15 years, and I'm disgusted by the severe lack of customer service over the last few years. I understand that the economy is bad, but if retailers expect to win those diminishing sales, they should be stepping UP the service, not letting it fall by the wayside!

This issue was thrown into the spotlight for me yesterday when a great deal raced through the online parenting community: was offering Britax Marathon child safety seats (a high quality seat that normally costs nearly $300) for under $50! Of course, parents rushed to make their purchases - everyone wants to provide the best, safest, and most comfortable car seat for their child, but these seats are unattainable for a large number of families due to the price point. Target was getting some of the best advertising it has ever had as ecstatic customers raved about the deal across the internet, and all of it was free!

Until the next day. Emails started to go out that Target did not intend to honor the price (of course it was an error) and was canceling all orders. Those same loyal and satisfied customers who'd praised and promoted Target less than 24 hours before were dismayed and disgusted to discover that the company that touts its community involvement and responsibility had no intention of taking the customer service high road! Now, they're planning wholesale boycotts of and Target brick and mortar stores - hardly a good thing for the company barely a month before Christmas in an already lagging retail market.

Of course, parents have been calling and emailing Target's customer service to no avail - I've done it myself, even emailing and calling their CEO, Gregg Steinhafel. The responses from Target have been either nonexistent or have not adequately addressed our concerns. My hope is that if enough people speak up, that Target will have to correct this fiasco and give us the products we purchased in good faith.

I'm attaching a copy of the letter I sent to Target below. One other good place for you to find out more is a message board created for people who purchased the seats and who are trying to correct this situation at

Sent to target on 11/17/08:

Dear Sir:

I am writing this email with regard to the recent pricing error on Britax Marathon car seats on Along with a large portion of the online parenting community, I was overjoyed to see that your store was offering an incredible deal on a top quality child safety seat. Parents want to provide the best, safest, most comfortable seat for their child, but at almost $300 these car seats are unattainable for a good number of families. Finding that discount was like a gift from above for many of your loyal customers, and they were, like me, dismayed and disgusted to find out that Target will not be honoring the listed price.

I understand that your company would be taking a financial hit by doing the right thing from a customer service standpoint and honoring the sales. However, I don't think you've taken into account the sales that you will lose from those very same customers who were so thrilled with your company just 24 hours ago. Prior to your cancellation emails, you were getting some of the best free advertising imaginable - the internet is a big place, and the online parenting community possesses a large chunk of it. Parents across the country - make that around the world, because parents overseas were involved as well - were absolutely gushing over the wonderful bargain they found on your site and the other items they found in your store during their visit. They were ecstatic that they could finally provide their children with a level of safety and comfort that their finances would not otherwise allow. Those same parents are now discussing wholesale boycotts of your website and your stores - not a good thing just over a month from Christmas in an already lagging market for retailers! You may have saved Target a few thousand dollars by canceling those orders, but your actions will have far-reaching results that may ultimately cost you tens of thousands more when people choose to purchase their big ticket holiday items elsewhere.

I've worked in retail management and marketing for over 15 years now, and I've seen time and again that if you take care of your customers, they will take care of you. Likewise, if you don't take care of your customers, the negative word of mouth advertising and loss of business can multiply exponentially. With all of the community involvement and responsibility that Target claims, I expected your company to take the customer service high road in this scenario. We are your customers, members of the communities that you claim to support and that keep your business afloat, and you've pulled the rug out from under us! I understand that someone goofed when they input the price and that they created a problem for your company, but in my honest opinion the person who made the call to cancel those orders created a bigger one. If nothing else, you've lost my business for the holidays and beyond, because I will not support a company that can't respond ethically and responsibly when things don't go their way. Based on the negative word of mouth advertising I've already seen plastered across the internet, I won't be the only one.


Tampa, Florida

Company: Target
Country: USA
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Refusing to honor advertised Britax Marathon sale price

And Britax Car Seat False Advertising Minneapolis

Target Britax carseat scam Internet

Target Scam Britax Carseat

Britax carseat — and other online issues

Target -
Britax Marathon Convertible Car Seat Bait and Switch

Target Corporation
Fraud on internet to drive customers to stores

DONE with Target. Please think twice before giving them your money worst customer service, Online Target customers Beware!

Britax Carseat Scam