J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ordered 4 clocks bank note cashed no goods received Ordered 11/22/03 Hawksury Ontario Cananda

Shops, Products, Services

On Nov. 22-o2 I mailed an order to J.D. Marvel Products for four different wall clock to be sent to my four adult children as a Christmas gift. I enclosed a bank money orger for 108$ which included the postal costs for four individual mailings. I had enclosed the four individual address for mailing.

After the new year and still no clocks I sent a further registered letter with a copy of the original order and the addresses again. Telling them I had the receipt for the order.

Still no contact. On jan 29/03 We looked the name up on the internet and found out they are a RIPOFF When I traced the registered letter I found out it was sighned for by a C. Naimone. Which sounds to me like a ficticious name.

This was a very hurtful episode. I am a seior and this is the first time I have lost money on being HAD! Each clock represented something in the individual family members situation. I was even naive enough to tell each one who they should leave their clock to a grandchild I thought was most suited, in remembrance of me when I'm gone. I know it's no huge deal but I felt so taken advantage of. Who are these people that can do sthis. Or was it a good business going broke? I could accept that scenario easier. Hoping that the matter will be solved.
A digruntled customer I remain Florence Mason.

Sechelt, B.C., British Columbia

Company: J.D. Marvel Products Inc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Dept. 721-109, Box 739 Hawkesbury, Ont. K6A3C8
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JD Marvel Products Inc
JD Marvel Strikes Again!

JD Marvel Products
J.D. Marvel Products ripoff cuckoo clock fraud 2 ordered check cashed for $29.29, never delivered never answer phone

JD Marvel Products
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J.D. Marvel Products, Inc ripoff I returned a cuckoo clock on 2-04 asking for a refund and I did not receive the refund and have requested monthly for this refund of $l7.90

J.D. Marvel Products
Inc ripoff, ordered cuckoo clock never received it. I want my money back

J.D. Marvel Products
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off business

JD Marvel Products

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
JD Marvel Products Inc is a consumer fraud ripoff

J.D. Marvel Products
Ripoff, ordered clock in January 03, money order cashed Feb 03 Where is my clock?

J D Marvel Products
JD Marvel Products ripoff going cockoo waiting for the cookoo clocks