Louis Zarel
Fraud alert!

Shops, Products, Services

HE Agency or High-End Agency and Louis Leraz, AKA Louis Zarel are Frauds who scam young men and women who are trying to advance their careers.

HE Agency DOES NOT Exist. There are no employee's, partners or anything else.

Louis is a professional con man and a coward. He preys on the young and unsuspecting children. Takes their money for portfolio's and never delivers anything. He has also screwed many vendors, photographers etc.

Louis changes telephone numbers, business names and his name frequently to hide. He illegally uses trademark and copyright logos on his company name.

No filings at US patents and trademarks.

There are no backers or a HE Corporation. He's a FRAUD, COWARD and a petty thief. Louis lives in Miami Florida, supposedly! Stay AWAY.

Company: Louis Zarel
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Site: heagency.com
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M&T Bank
Says I won $72,115.21 lottery scam fraud deceptive will not answer the phone all I get is a recording ripoff

HE Agency High-End Agency And Louis Zarel Or Louis LeRaz
HE Agency and Louis Leraz AKA Louis Zarel are Frauds and Theives

High End Agency
HE Agency, HE Agency and Louis Zarel are Frauds

HE Agency
Bad service

HE Talent Agency

HE Agency
Bad service

Talent Packaging or Lewis Zarel
Lewis Zarel / Lewis Leraz

Talentpackaging.com And Lewiszarel.com Are FRAUDS
Talentpackaging.com And Lewiszarel.com Lewis Zarel, Lewis Leraz Lewis Zarel - Lewis Leraz is a FRAUD and CON MAN, Miami, Los Angeles

Talent Packaging Image Marketing

HE Agency, High-End Agency, Lewis Zarel Or Lewis Leraz
HE Agency, High-End Agency and Lewis Zarel are Frauds and Petty Thieves