U.S. Adminstrative Services
Rebate ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

We signed with a roofing company because of a promised rebate from from U.S. Administrative Services.Co. It stated that after 54 months we should send in the appropriate paperwork (ie sales receipt, cancelled check, etc) by certified mail. After 54 months, I send in the requested paperwork by certified mail which was refused by the company. Where does that leave us?

I am contacting an attorney who will in turn contact the above company. I don't know if we will receive our $740.00 rebate, but its worth going after.

Company: U.S. Adminstrative Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Mt. Dora
Address: 18930 U. S. Hwy 441, #102
Phone: 3523574731
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New Opportunties Fund Lottery
Amanda Lewis - Linda Strong

United States Administrative Services Company
Did not send rebate monies

United States Administrative Services Company
United States Administrative Services Rebate offer of $600 for sewing machine not fullfilled by company

United Stated Administrative Services
C Sewing Machine Rebate Scam!

Us Administrative Services - Cashback America
Rebate ripoff fraud scam no rebate given under investigation no returned calls florida

Edward Gaa I sent in a rebate for $95.40 in June via certified mail, and they did not send my check for 7 months

United States Administrative Services Company - Cashback America
Cash Back? Rebate? Ha! Maybe if you can find them!

United States Administrative Services Company
Rebate offer on sewing machine of $1769.00 not fulfilled by company. I properly met all conditiions

United State Administrative Services Company
United States Administrative Services Company Filed to send rebate of $899.00

U S Administrative Services
Rebate Ripoff! $225 cashback rebate came back with no forwarding address