Terrible experience

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I am a 21 year old single parent. A mother of a five year old boy. I stole something from your store and did not think I would get caught. I know what I did was wrong, however your heartless security guard called the police on me anyway and charged me with theft. Do you know that this was a very cruel thing to do to a single parent. If I get a criminal record I could lose my job.

I work at a daycare and every five years we have to have our police reference check renewed. Besides by working in the daycare I get my son to attend for free. Now when my next police reference renewal comes through I will be terminated because I know from experience they have not hired people who have a simple record for shoplifting. I will be contacting my lawyer and taking this to court because you basically ruined my life.

I am a 21 year old mother that has limited expensed already. I apologized to the security guard and offered to pay for the items I stole if he let me go home to get my credit card. I was crying. I told him I would never do this again, however he still called the police. His main concern was that I was using my five year old son to steal. I know I should not have done this but with the world facing a possible depression I could not afford to pay for my food. Even with government help I can't afford to feed my family.

The security guard overheard me threaten to slap my son if he refused to put things in his pocket. However this was not true, as the day he arrested me I never threatened my son. I don't even know why he bought that up. That was over a month ago and I knew he was following me and I managed to dodge him. This time I was kind to my son and offered him ice cream if he helped me steal. Now before you judge my parenting I know it was wrong to threaten for not stealing and reward him for stealing but I was desperate for food. Also I did not want my son to feel left out so I took some toys for him which I could not afford. (Now I know this was wrong) but they should have given me a break. The security guard had the nerve to tell me (after hearing my story) that he can overlook the stealing of the food, but not the stealing of the DVD's and toys for my son.

I honestly thought that I would not get caught because I put the stuff in a Wal-mart shopping bag. Unfortunately I was caught, I made a mistake but your security is doing worse to me than what I did to their store. Why does a store that produces billions a year have to ruin a single parent's life.

Also this is the second letter I have written to wal-mart with no reply. I also wrote a letter to them "ripped of with no chance to win" several weeks ago about their game machines not working and having limited prizes. I went back, and noticed that they did not add more prizes to the game, so not noly are you ruining the life of a single parent but you are also ripping off people including children who use the machine. True the machine now has a sign our of order, but what five year old knows how to read.

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
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