Rocket Communication Services
Rocket Communication Services Fax? Voicemail? On my hard-line? Who still uses those things!

Shops, Products, Services

Didn't notice the charge on my August bill for $12.95 plus tax, but I did in September, and the 800# pretty much immediately offers to discontinue your service and reverse THAT MONTH'S charge, but won't let you contact a human being. What would I want with an expensive third party fax and voice mail? I've got an answering machine and a scanner, I haven't faxed anything since Clinton was in office.

Company: Rocket Communication Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Harbor
Address: 334 E. Lake Rd., Ste 232
Phone: 8003000549
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Rocket Communication Services AT&T Enhanced Billing Services charge for Rocket Communication Services

Rocket Communication Services, Inc. - Rocket Comm Svcs Inc. - Rocket Voicemail
Unauthorized, Fraudulent EFax/Voicemail charges through AT&T

Rocket Communication Services / AT&T
Enhanced Services Billing Rocket Communications, AT&T, Enhanced Services billing are scammers - Watch your Bill!

Rocket Communication
Bills $12.95 through verizon

Enhanced Services Billing Inc On Behalf Of ROCKET COMM-SVCS EFAX & VMAIL
"Enhanced Services Billing, Inc" Unauthorized billing to my AT&T account

Rocket Communication Services

Rocket Comm-svcs Efax & Vmail
Cramming unauthorized charges for services

Rocket Communication Services
Keep getting charged by this company without authorization

Rocket Communications - ESBI Verizon
Cheated by Rocket Communications ESBI Verizon

Rocket Communication Svcs, Inc Transaction Clearing
Company takes advantage of unsuspecting consumers by adding miscellaneous charges to your phone bill without authorization from consumer and AT&T lets them!