Rocket Communication Services
Keep getting charged by this company without authorization

Internet & Web

I have never heard of this company, much less signed up for their services, yet I have been billed $12.95 tax (total = $13.94/month) for the past 3 months. I contacted them when I noticed these charges on my phone bill after the 2nd month, and was told that they would credit my next phone bill and close my account. I opened my phone bill this month and not only didn't I find a credit, but they had charged me for another month. They now owe me $41.82. Two other people have filed reports on this website about Rocket Communication Services for the exact same reasons.

Company: Rocket Communication Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: Operations Center, 400 N Tampa Street, 16th Floor
Phone: 8883000549
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Rocket Communication Services / AT&T
Enhanced Services Billing Rocket Communications, AT&T, Enhanced Services billing are scammers - Watch your Bill!

Rocket Communication Services AT&T Enhanced Billing Services charge for Rocket Communication Services

Rocket Communication Services, Inc. - Rocket Comm Svcs Inc. - Rocket Voicemail
Unauthorized, Fraudulent EFax/Voicemail charges through AT&T

Rocket Communication Svcs, Inc Transaction Clearing
Company takes advantage of unsuspecting consumers by adding miscellaneous charges to your phone bill without authorization from consumer and AT&T lets them!

Enhanced Services Billing, Inc
$12.95 charged to my phone bill without authorization

Enhanced Services Billing Inc On Behalf Of ROCKET COMM-SVCS EFAX & VMAIL
"Enhanced Services Billing, Inc" Unauthorized billing to my AT&T account

Rocket Comm SVCS Inc
Rocket rip off with AT&T

Rocket Communication Services
Rocket Communication Services Fax? Voicemail? On my hard-line? Who still uses those things!

Rocket Communication
Bills $12.95 through verizon

Rocket Voicemail/Fax Communications
Rocket Communications Ripoff Fraudulent Charges made by Rocket/Communications/Vmail and Efaxing to my phone bill