Men's Health Magazine And Rodale Publishing
Subscription Renewal Scam New York, New York

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I received a letter from the North Shore Agency stating that my account was in collections and that Men's Health has tried to contact me "a number of times" (no specific number of times) about delinquent payment. I did not renew my subscription and didn't sign up for the tricky automatic renewal. So I called the number and asked about the letter. They asked if I wanted to pay over the phone. I said I didn't want to pay at all for something I didn't order. To my surprise they said they would zero out my account and cancel my subscription no problem. This put up a big red flag.

So I started asking questions about the North Shore Agency. Turns out they are not even a real collections agency. I also asked to receive the supposed 5 invoices Men's Health claimed to have sent me. They said they could not reproduce the invoices. So I went up the chain of command and everyone said they could not reproduce the invoices. Finally I got someone that said they could reproduce them but couldn't prove that they were ever sent.

Bottom line, this is a shady scare tactic used by Rodale and Men's Health to dupe unknowing customers into renewing their subscriptions when they don't have to. The thing is, is that I like the magazine but won't read it based on principle now. Anyone else have something recently happen to them? If so, have you done anything, BBB, class action? Let me know.

Company: Men's Health Magazine And Rodale Publishing
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Men's Health P.O. Box 8461 Red Oak, IOWA 51591
Phone: 8006662303
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