Set Pro
Paul Nymen and Set Pro Theft

Shops, Products, Services

Our son wanted to play college baseball this year as a freshman. To help him succeed, we ordered him $1066 worth of throwing and computerized hitting equipment on 4/23/99.

Our credit card for this amount and we paid the bill upon receipt. Although the equipment was promised to us within a week, we did not receive it until 5/13/99.

Once we assembled the equipment, we had trouble getting it to work correctly. After numerous calls to Paul Nymen, Owner of SET PRO, he determined on 6/23/99 that the computer component of the equipment had faulty wiring. Paul advised us to send back the computer component the next day which he promised would be either fixed or replaced within the week.

By 7/13/99 we still did not have the component back. Since we had to take our son to college by 8/7/99, we decided that we could no longer wait for the component. We called Paul and told him that we would could wait no longer, and that we would be returning the rest of the equipment on 7/14/99.

Paul promised that we would credit our charge account when he received the equipment. We have called him many times since then, and he has still not issued the credit on our credit card.

We have contacted the Better Business Bureau and the State of Connecticut Dept of Consummer Protection. He has not responded to either agency and we have been informed that there is nothing else that they can do.

So this man has the equipment and our money. We cannot believe that this is legal and that there is nothing that we can do about it!

Company: Set Pro
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Westbrook
Address: 19 Pond Lily Rd
Phone: 8603995873
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