First Line Security Alarm Co. & Security Associates International, Inc. (SAI) Monitoring Company
FirstLine, damaged my wall and caused deep gashes in my 'new' wood floor, the declared bankrupt. SAI the monitoring has sent me a threatening letter because I cancelled, after getting poor service and not being monitored for at least 4-5 months

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First Line & Security Associates International, aka (SAI)
I am writing to cancel "all" services as an Alarm Company, Monitoring Company and any other services you may perform for me. It is with complete satisfaction that I cancel your services. Your companies have been a source of extreme aggravations and constant irritations since the July, installation.

First Line installer damaged my wall with nine (9) large holes AND drug his tool box over my "new" wood floor, deep gashes. A damage assessment was made and First Line had me on hold, in my "new" house for six (6) months with promises of repairing. Then, to my surprise I find out that First Line is in bankruptcy and I may never be compensated.

On top of all of that I have had even more problems with SAI and it's staff. I thought I was covered as far as an Alarm Service. I accidentally came into my house and rushed out the back door and sometime later I realized no one had phoned me and I could vaguely hear my alarm system going off. After phoning in I found out that I my system was not working. I have faxed and phoned until I can no longer deal with the stress. I was told an installer would be out from SAI but I would have to pay additional to get the alarm system services back on line because First Line had declared banruptcy. I signed a contract with First Line not SAI. All the while I am paying $44.99 each and every month.

I have switched to a reputable company, where when you phone them you are not holding for 37 minutes at a time and phoning 3-4 times just to speak to someong because you are on hold. Being promised a call back and never receiving it, being given a direct number to phone a person back and finding out they gave you the wrong number, being told they didn't have to talk to me that that could just send me to collections (because they, SAI was inputting the wrong bank account number). After bringing this to their attention the first time, can you believe I had to re-write and re-fax at least twice information regarding the bill. Finally a supervisor, removed the direct debt and I started paying by mail each month with a waiver of the $2 billing fee. I have had it!

Again, thanks for giving me a good lesson on companies that give you horrible service. I have tried to be patient and understanding, but a year of this is just too much.

After faxing First Line and SAI my cancellation, and certifying them a copy of this letter, I received a letter from SAI stating "Please note your account will not be cancelled until the entire 36-month contract amount of $1,034.77 is paid in full, and they also threatened me with collection activities. I have and have always had an excellent credit rating, I have never signed a contract with SAI and was told by one of the First Line supervisors' that when First Line went into bankruptcy, that action voided the contract I had with them.

I do not want my credit status to be messed up because of these Ripoff companies.

Company: First Line Security Alarm Co. & Security Associates International, Inc. (SAI) Monitoring Company
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Arlington Heights
Address: 2101 South Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 150
Phone: 8007057681
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